Thursday, January 20, 2011

bring on the questions.

Make sure to comment on our posts if you want some advice! 

HERE'S A FREEBIE. Watch out for slippery black ice. It's EVERYWHERE!
(also, sorry for the awkward appearance of some of our answers.. we're not the most tech savvy, and for some reason, the text won't un-underline.. so.. there's that.)

January 24, 2011: What do I do when I can't get homework done because I obsessively stalk this blog waiting for new words of wisdom to be posted? HELP POR FAVOR!!
Words of wisdom: don't come to us. We'll come to you. Switch your obsession to facebook, and we'll try to update you that way.. but we're flattered that we entertain you enough to keep you waiting!

January 21, 2011:Jai have this problem. i'm in love with a boy named charlie, but i don't know how to talk to him. WHAT DO I DO DEAR ABBY?!>!
(love. katie.)
I know exactly how to solve this problem! Get back to Kalamazoo College and we'll go from there. As far as talking to him (me?), the feeling is so mutual, buttercup. Miss you!

January 20, 2011: CHAVONNE! Sometimes I get sad and really don't like myself. What are some feel good tips y'all have up your sleeves to pick me up on a rainy day?

Here's what we like to do: listen to Shontelle, surround yourself with people you enjoy being around, and make sure to keep your body movin' and groovin' (get your dance on, perhaps?). Also, go to The Cavern! Free tea and cookies, all day, every day. What's better than that? Almost nothing. Finally, don't forget how awesome you are. Check yourself out in the mirror, 'cause you look GOOD. 

January 20, 2011: What do you do when you just. cant. work. any. more?????????????????????????????????????????

Sleep. It usually helps. A 20-40 minute power nap is actually better, higher quality sleep than sleeping for 2 hours, so if you're kind of short on time, that's PERFECT. 20 minute naps help so much. And when you wake up? Get your dance on. It'll help with the homework blues. 

January 20, 2011: How much wood can wood ducks eat?
If you knew anything about wood ducks, you would know that 
their diet, similar to dabbling ducks, consists of seeds, fruits and aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates. Some of their favorites include acorns, smartweed, wild cherry and duck weed (Delta Waterfowl).

p.s. here are some great bird noises. check it out.

January 19, 2011: Is it better to be an honest bitch, or to be two-faced and pretend to like someone who makes you want to kill small cute things?
Is your plan to tell the person that you don't like them and hope that they'll get the hint that way? No offense, but.. there are more peaceful ways of taking care of that business. If you don't want to hang out with them, don't. This is another "be true to yourself" kind of thing -- you make your own priorities. If this person doesn't make the cut onto your priority list, then all you need to do is be civil with them when you need to. Try not to be two-faced, because you're lying to yourself that way, but being an honest diva is a little harsh. (and please, for the sake of small animals, stay away from petting zoos)

January 19, 2011: How do you make someone interested in you?
The best think for you to do is to be yourself. Don't be cryptic or play hard-to-get. That'll just make you crazy. Be open and honest with yourself and your special someone as well. Along with that, be confident about who you are. You're an incredible, one-of-a-kind person. GET IT. :)

January 18, 2011: So a really good friend of mine is in a relationship with a total sleazebag who hits on other women frequently, but lies about it to her face. Plenty of people have told her about this, but she believed his lies when she confronted him. I think she might believe it coming from me, but I'm afraid to say something because she's trusted me with things she hasn't told anyone. I think she'd get really upset at me because I don't have proof, but I don't want to see her hurt. HELP YVARLIE!!!!
First of all, we want to say that you sound like a very concerned friend, which shows your dedication to your friendships. Kudos to you! You obviously have her best interest at heart, in that you don't want to see her hurt. It sounds like your friendship with her is strong enough that you could voice your thoughts about her relationship in a respectful way. 
How do you know that he's a sleazebag/cheating on her if you don't have proof? Him hitting on other women is proof enough. We think that you know exactly what you need to do. 

January 18, 2011: My important question is how did you two get to be so adorable?! Also, I am feeling super uninspired and am not doing homework. Any advice as to how to get my rear into gear and work?
Y: When I popped out,  I was almost named "Baby Panda" based on looks alone. I was visually overwhelming. And I guess it stuck. 
C: i wUz bOrN d!z wAy! dUh. Just kidding. I got it from my mama. Kidding again. Yvonne taught me everything I know.
Now, for the motivation. Watch a video of Tyra Banks yelling at a contestant of America's Next Not Model (Fran cred.) It'll pump you UP.



  2. CHAVONNE! Sometimes I get sad and really don't like myself. What are some feel good tips y'all have up your sleeves to pick me up on a rainy day?

  3. What do you do when you just. cant. work. any. more?????????????????????????????????????????

  4. i have this problem. i'm in love with a boy named charlie, but i don't know how to talk to him. WHAT DO I DO DEAR ABBY?!>!

    (love. katie.)

  5. What do I do when I can't get homework done because I obsessively stalk this blog waiting for new words of wisdom to be posted? HELP POR FAVOR!!

  6. Dear Chavonne,

    There's this guy who I went out with once, and I really liked talking to him although I wasn't attracted to him. He spent over $100 on dinner. Was I wrong to accept the date? Now he keeps texting me and I don't know what to say.

    -Confused and Well-Fed

  7. I don't know how to post a question! What do I do???


  8. I am soooo full! What do I do???

    Thoughtfully yours,
    Michelle Obama

  9. What do I do! How do I do it? What do I do???

    All the best,
    Not the same person who asked the last two questions

    p.s. I am not getting work done...What do I do???

  10. You haven't been answering my qweshons and my magic eight ball is bein' a diva. What do I dooo??? <--That's not my qweshon. My qweshon be: How do you spell the word qweshon? My computer keeps puttin a lil red lineyline under it. I keep reqwesting it give me some more constructive criticism but it will not respond.
    Qweshon #2: Why all my properties actin' like divas? What I do? I am a respektful mutherfucker.
    Also: I luh me a bad bitch. Just sayin. You guys r lookin' mighty fine n' baaaaaad. #stankface


    P.S. Is this weird? I hope not because I spent the last 4 minutes on it instead of reading for class. Is that a good lyfe choice? AAAGGGGHHHH LITTLE RED LINEYLINES ER'YWHERE!!! GO AWAAAAYYYYY LINEYLINES, YOU ARE NOT WELKOME!!!!!
